Rules of the 100 for 20 prize game

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PRIZE GAME: "100 FOR 20"

Pursuant to Article 69. of the Games of Chance Act (OG 87/09, 35/13, 158/13, 41/14, 143/14 and 114/22) and the Ordinance on the Organization of Prize Games (OG 8/10) Mejaši prvi d.o.o. with its registered office in Split, Josipa Jovića 93, OIB:49368232868 issues the following:


CLASS: UP/I-460-02/24-01/44
Reg.No.: 513-07-21-01-24-2
Zagreb, February 16, 2024

The organizer of the prize game "100 for 20" (hereinafter referred to as the Prize Game) is the company Mejaši prvi d.o.o., Josipa Jovića 93, 21000 Split, OIB: 49368232868, (hereinafter: the Organizer), and it will take place within the Mall of Split shopping center for the purpose of promoting the Mall of Split.


Article 2

With these Rules (hereinafter: the Rules), the Organizer defines the rules of participation in the Prize Game – One Hundred for Twenty (hereinafter: the Game).


Article 3

The purpose of the Game is to achieve promotional effects for the Mall of Split shopping center.


Article 4

The prize game is realized in the period from Friday, March 1, 2024 to Friday, March 8, 2024 .


Article 5

These Rules ensure equality of all participants and equal opportunity to win after meeting the conditions prescribed by these Rules.


Article 6

All adult citizens of the Republic of Croatia have the right to participate, but minors, employees of the Management Board of the Mall of Split shopping center employed in the company Mejaši prvi d.o.o. and Tulipan grupa d.o.o. and members of their immediate families do not have the right to participate.


Article 7

One person can only win one prize. 


Article 8

Explanation of the game:

At the info desk of the center there are "cards" that need to be filled out and inserted into the prize box. 

For the purposes of the prize game, 5,000 pieces of "cards" were made. 

To participate in the Game, visitors to the shopping center must present a receipt with which they prove that they made a purchase within the Mall of Split shopping center in the period from March 1, 2024 to March 8, 2024.   in the amount of a minimum spent of EUR 20.00. The maximum amount is not defined.

For one bill from TC Mall of Split, the visitor is entitled to one "card".

In case one person has more than one account that meets the above conditions, he can draw as many cards as he has an account. 


The visitor is obliged to fill out a card with personal information:

- Name and surname

- Residential address 

- E-mail address

- Contact number (phone or mobile phone)


By participating in the prize game, the visitor agrees that their personal data will be used for the purposes of the prize game, and agrees with the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use of

In total, there are ten equal awards. The prize is a Mall of Split gift voucher in the amount of 100.00 EUR (one hundred euros).


On March 11, 2024, a public drawing of winners will be held at the Management Office of TC Mall of Split on the 1st floor of the center (address: Josipa Jovića 93, 21000 Split). Ten winning cards from the box in which all the collected cards of the participants are drawn, are drawn by a three-member commission of TC Mall of Split.

The winners will be announced within 24 hours on the website of the Mall of Split,, and will be contacted directly via E-mail and telephone contact written on the card.

Article 9

The prizes as well as the award ceremony are provided by the Organizer. The total prize fund is EUR 1,000.00 (one thousand euros), and consists of 10 (ten) prizes, each worth EUR 100 (one hundred euros) in gift vouchers of the Mall of Split shopping center.                                  


Article 10

In accordance with positive legal regulations, the regularity of the implementation of the Game is carried out by a three-member commission of the Management Board of Mall of Split, of which a record is kept.

The three-member commission consists of:

1. Antonija Rakuljić

2. Laura Rakuljić 

3. Marija Ibrišimović 


Article 11

The Organizer of the Game will inform the winner and the public about the win and the method of collecting the prize.

Prize collection will be organized at the end of the Game, not before. Prizes in the form of gift vouchers of TC Mall of Split are picked up by the winners at the Info Desk of the center upon presentation of a legally valid identification document that is identical to the information provided by the competitor on the "card". 

1 prize of 100 EUR = 2 gift vouchers of the shopping centre in denominations of 50 EUR).

At the moment of collecting the prize, all further obligations of the Organizer towards the Winner cease. The Organizer is not responsible if the winner does not respond or refuses the invitation (multiple) informing him of the receipt of the prize, in which case the Organizer is not subject to the liability for compensation. 


Article 12

The prize cannot be exchanged for monetary compensation. The sponsor is obliged to ensure the takeover in accordance with the above, within 30 days of the expiration of the Game.


Article 13

In the event of circumstances for which the Organizer is not responsible, i.e. which it could not have foreseen, eliminated or avoided (force majeure), the Organizer may temporarily or permanently terminate the Game and inform the public accordingly.


Article 14

By participating in the Game, each participant accepts the above rights and obligations from these Regulations. In the event of a possible dispute, the jurisdiction of the Municipal Court in Split is determined.


Article 15

This Ordinance enters into force on the day of its publication on the website of the and its validity lasts until the fulfillment of all provisions provided for in individual articles of the Ordinance.


Article 16

In case of reasonable suspicion of non-compliance with these Rules and the regularity of the Game in general, the Organizer reserves the full right to exclude from the Game a visitor for whom this is considered to be without further explanation. Also, by subsequently determining any form of irregularity and/or irregularity of registration and participation in the Game by the Winner, the Organizer has the full right to deprive the Winner of the prize and award it to another participant.


Article 17

By participating in the Game, participants confirm that they are familiar with the Rules of the Prize Game and that they agree to the rules of the Rules and give their consent that their collected basic personal data may be processed by the Controller (Mejaši prvi d.o.o. and Tulipan grupa d.o.o., Split, Josipa Jovića 93) in accordance with this Rules and for the following purpose:

• Processing of participants' personal data for the purpose of registering for the prize game 

• Processing of the winner's personal data for the purpose of identification when awarding the prize

• Announcement of the winner of the Game on the website of TC Mall of Split.

• Publication of content on social networks of Mall of Split for the purpose of promotion and realization of the Game

• Forwarding part of the data to the employees of Tulipan grupa d.o.o. for the purpose of delivering the prize (name and surname, address, e-mail contact, contact phone or mobile phone number)


The legal basis for processing is the consent of the data subject (registered participant in the prize game), and the categories of personal data collected are identification data - name and surname, address, e-mail contact, contact phone or mobile phone number.

The collected personal data of the participants and winners of the prize game will be processed exclusively for the above purposes. The processing of the winner's personal data is carried out during the duration of the prize game, i.e. until the termination of the prize game on any basis, as well as subsequently six months after the realization of the prize game, if so prescribed by the Game Rules and will be deleted after that.


We would like to confirm that all information related to the personal data of data subjects (participants of the Game) is extremely important to us and that we consider the protection of personal data very seriously and approach it with great professional responsibility in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU2016/679) and related laws and bylaws. The Privacy Statement is available at and


Providing personal data and giving consent to processing is voluntary, and providing them is a condition necessary for the realization of the prize game and prize.


The collected personal data of the Participant/Winner will not be transferred to third countries (outside the EU), unless there is a legal obligation or the explicit consent of the data subject has been given.


With this Policy and Privacy Statement PRIVACY POLICY , we inform the participants of the Game about the following:

• have the right to request access to personal data and rectification or deletion of personal data or restriction of processing relating to the Participant  

• have the right to object to the processing of such data and the right to data portability

• have the possibility to revoke the consent in question by means of a written revocation delivered via e-mail to:, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent before it was withdrawn;

• have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (AZOP)


By registering for the prize game, you declare that you are of legal age and that you can give consent to the processing of personal data.


Article 18

In the event that the prize fund referred to in Article 9 of this Ordinance will not be distributed in full to the winners, and if its value exceeds EUR 663.61, in accordance with Article 69, paragraph 9 of the Ordinance. of the Games of Chance Act (Official Gazette 87/09, 35/13), the Organizer is obliged to sell the same amount in a public tender and pay the funds generated by the sale to the state budget, within 90 days of the expiry of the deadline for collecting prizes.