Open Your Hearts in December – Donation Collection "Vito for Palčići"

December 6, 2017
November 24, 2017
from 06.12. - 30.12.2017.

Open your hearts in December! Mall of Split, in cooperation with Split schools and kindergartens, is collecting donations for Palčići. Come and choose your perfect Christmas decoration and help others with it!

The Club of Parents of Premature Babies "Palčići" is the first association in Croatia founded in February 2010 to raise awareness and long-term improvement of care for premature and sick newborns and support for their families.

Encouraged by our own experience of premature birth, we realized that the feeling of loss, stress, concern for the life and health of our child can be much easier with the help, support and advice of parents who have gone through it themselves. Therefore, we get in touch with parents of premature and sick newborns immediately after premature birth, providing them with help and support.

We also organize support groups where, in a warm and uncritical atmosphere, we try to encourage rapprochement and friendship by exchanging lived experiences in order to reduce the feeling of loneliness that most parents go through in this extremely sensitive and demanding period for both children and parents.

In addition to organizing professional lectures and workshops, with the help of external associates and experts of various professions, we strive to provide the necessary information and assistance to enable all parents to provide their child with the best possible care in a very demanding period after leaving the hospital. Also, we are trying to initiate the improvement of the conditions of the parents' stay with the child and help neonatology and pediatric clinics in the procurement of equipment that may be missing.

All activities of the association are carried out in cooperation and with the support of the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants (EFCNI), which is the first pan-European organization that represents the interests of premature babies and their families.

Palčići are children born before the 37th week of pregnancy, and whose first life struggle is the most difficult one - the fight for their own lives. In Croatia, about 7 percent of premature babies are born annually, which is about 2,500 premature babies a year, a large number of whom have more serious problems in further development.

From the beginning of the humanitarian project, on March 21, 2012, until the end of March 21, 2017, a total of HRK 5,160,687.38 was collected on the account for special purposes and donations of the action "Palčić up", which is separated from the account of the Club of Parents of Premature Babies "Palčići" and is used exclusively for the purchase of medical equipment for Croatian maternity hospitals. 30 maternity wards and neonatology departments were donated equipment in the total value of HRK 5,235,625.40.
